3/27/2023 Added Objects to Last Activity Date report
Last Activity Date report now includes Objects. This can be helpful to understand if there are records that haven't been modified in a long time to for technical debt cleanup.
3/12/2023 Choose Create and/or Update when migrating datasets
When migrating a dataset in Snapshot you now have the choice if you want to create records, update records or do both. This can be helpful if you know you only want to update records, you can exclude create, so you know you won't get erroneous records created by accident.
2/2/2023 You can login to Snapshot if you have a Platform User License
As long as the user is assigned a Snapshot license and the Profile they are assigned grants access to all Metazoa object and fields, those Platform users can login directly to Snapshot and use the tool like any other. This is great for admins or consultants who don't have full admin rights in the licensed org but are working in different orgs for their job, like sandboxes, or client orgs.
1/17/2023 Error logs stored directly in the dataset
If you receive an error when migrating data, the error logs associated will now be stored directly in the dataset folder on your computer.
12/27/2022 We will move images that are included in rich text fields
We've made an enhancement to our dataset migrations to automatically migrate images that are included in rich text fields. They are added to the destination record as documents.
12/24/2022 Added Stack Exchange search option for deployment errors
If you receive errors during a deployment and you want to learn more about the error and possible ways to fix them, we now offer the ability to search Stack Exchange. You can highlight the term you'd like to search, right-click it and select Search Stack Exchange. This will open a tab in your browser.
12/24/2022 Line number search during deployment
When deploying metadata you may run into errors. When that happens, you will get notes for each error, including the asset name thats causing the error and the corresponding line where the error occurred in the xml. You can go back to the Create Assets tab, find the asset that caused the error, pull the pancake menu down to show the xml, and right-click > select Line number. Type in the offending number so you can see specifically what is causing the error in deployment.
12/17/2022 ContentDocuments available when building datasets
We've made a change to how we handle ContentDocuments and associated ContentVersions. Now they work exactly like other objects, just select the ContentDocument and the child ContentVersion and move them.
12/17/2022 Filter child records when building datasets
When building a dataset in Snapshot, you now have the ability to filter child records within the dataset. You can set record limits on child objects, as well as filter your child objects to segment your dataset as necessary. For example, maybe you only want to migrate open Cases. You can set the filter to case status = open.
11/24/2022 Spotlight Features incorporated into Snapshot
Spotlight is a product from Metazoa that provides dozens of tests you can run on your Org. You can test security risks, compliance audit, technical debt, code quality and best practices. We made the decision to incorporate these features into our flagship product, Snapshot, to give our clients even more information to help them manage their Salesforce org with confidence. You can find these features within the Optimize section under Org Health Scan.
11/18/2022 Grab raw Profile data when necessary
If you need to grab all of the information and connections regarding your profiles, but you only don't want to grab everything else in a full snapshot, there is now a way to grab the raw profile data by appending your snapshot. You can do this by appending your snapshot, choosing some or all of your profiles, and then on the Append Snapshot tab, uncheck the Trim Profiles checkbox before appending the snapshot. As the help text suggests, when this is checked, we will trim the profiles based on what else is included in the snapshot, so if you exclude custom objects there will be no object information when reporting on your Profiles.
11/10/2022 Search Assets when deploying metadata
When deploying in Metazoa, there is a results column that will outline potential issues with the deployment. If an error occurs, and it references an asset that causes the error, you can now right-click that asset and select "Search for asset type". This will tell you exactly what that asset is or it will give you a choice if there are multiple assets of the same name. Once you've found your asset, you can choose to add it to your job list, all without leaving the deployment screen.
11/2/2022 10,000 asset limit with Report Folders
If a Report Folder has over 10,000 reports, we will capture the folder, however, we have removed the reports in order to avoid a limit set by Salesforce.
11/1/2022 Apex Classes added to Forgotten Assets report
We've added the Apex Class metadata type to the Forgotten Assets report. This will show you if your Apex Classes are referenced by any metadata assets, like Apex Pages, Components, etc.
7/14/2022 Dynamic Dashboards
Many reports now have an optional Dashboard with color graphics on the Display Report Tab.
7/14/2022 Lightning Links
Many reports now have URL links to Lightning. Click the Show Links box in the Display Report Tab.
2/15/2022 API Version 54
All Salesforce API’s have been updated to Version 54. This includes the Tooling, Data, Metadata, and Bulky Data API.
8/4/2021 Impact Analysis report
Check out the new Impact Analysis report. Browse asset dependencies, and create entity relationship diagrams. You can export the diagram as an image and you can export the Display report as a file. The Impact Analysis report can be found under the Documentation section when you right-click on a Snapshot icon.
4/30/2021 Expense Management
Compare the license cost and actual usage of Package, Feature, Organization, and Permission Set License. The License Expense Management report can be found under Optimize section when you right-click on a Snapshot Icon.
4/22/2021 Smart Deploy
Find optimization and cleanup problems and then fix them immediately without leaving the report interface. For example, in the View Profiles report, you can change permission assignments and deploy those changes right from the report itself.
3/2/2021 Org Dictionary report
The Org Dictionary reports on any Metadata Type including Flows, Page Layouts, Dashboards, Workflows, and more.