The Metadata Differences report documents the differences between metadata assets on the source and destination snapshot. You can trigger an alert if there are differences. This is useful for comparing the source and destination Orgs. This interface is available by right clicking a deployment arrow on the desktop and also from the Options Menu.
The Metazoa Snapshot Metadata Differences feature provides a detailed comparison between the source and destination snapshot. It's a robust tool for identifying variances across any metadata type, allowing users to have complete visibility over custom applications, labels, objects, and more.
Getting Started: Metadata Differences Report
Navigate to the Report: Click on the deployment arrow to find the Metadata Differences report.
Choose Metadata Type: Click on a metadata type on the left to explore its contents. For instance, you can select 'Custom Applications' to view all relevant information.
Analyze the Differences: The report shows what's the same, what's different, and what's missing between the source and destination snapshot. You can right-click on these tables for additional options. For example, to view identical objects, deselect the 'Hide identical' option. The report will display identical, different, and missing objects for the selected metadata type.
Explore Individual Differences: The differences panel lets you dig deeper into individual differences. Clicking on a difference will reveal specific points of variance between the source and destination.
Preview Tab: The preview tab is designed for interactivity. Anywhere you click, it brings up the differences for the selected view. The tab also allows for data export in CSV, PDF, or HTML formats. You can tailor the report as per your needs using the additional options.
Selection and Display: When you check a box next to a metadata type on the left, it appears under the Display Report tab. For example, selecting 'Custom Applications,' 'Custom Labels,' and 'Custom Objects' will make these appear in the Display Report.
Using the Display Report
Data Export: You can export the information from the Display Report tab as CSV, PDF, or HTML.
Scheduled Reports: Scheduled Reports are typically designed to send out the Display Report. Upon creating a new snapshot, you can set the PDF report to be dispatched through chatter, saved to a folder, or sent via email.
Metadata Differences Report Configuration: With the Metadata Differences report, you have the option to send it every time, or only if missing or different assets are identified. This feature is particularly helpful if you're tracking a specific metadata section.
Setting Up Tracking: Simply select the metadata types that you're interested in and schedule the report. The system will generate a new snapshot every night, and each morning you'll receive a comprehensive PDF report detailing all changes since the last report.
The Metazoa Snapshot Metadata Differences feature offers an efficient way to track changes in metadata, report to your team, or maintain a record for compliance or backup purposes.