The Picklist Usage report presents picklists and their values for given a given object or objects of your choosing and shows you the percentage used for each value, plus other values that may exist.
To start you can choose objects to report on by selecting objects on the left hand column and then on the right side choose how many and which records you want to report against. Your options are to choose all records, records by name, records by filter, records, by SOQL, or a random set of records.
Whatever objects you see on the left that are bolded, all of those objects, and their picklists, will pull into the Display Report tab. The object that you are currently selecting, in my case, the Account object, will be pulled into the Preview report tab
You'll see each picklist and its values and on the right side will be the statistics about their total usage across the records that you queried against. Additionally, if you'd like to see picklist usage across your record types you can right click and select "Show Record Types".
This will add columns to the report for each of the record types for that object and then show you usage of picklist values related to each record type.
The main difference between preview and display report tabs for this particular report is the ability to report on multiple objects at once in the display report. The right-click options on the preview report tab, like show record types, show links, etc, have become radio buttons on the display report tab.
The Picklist Usage Report in Metazoa Snapshot provides an extensive analysis of the picklist values used in your Salesforce objects. By determining the usage percentage of each picklist value in each object, it helps streamline your data management decisions.
Getting Started
Open the Picklist Usage Report in your Metazoa Snapshot interface.
You'll find a list of your standard and custom objects displayed on the left-hand side.
To include an object in the report, select some or all of its records. You can do this by selecting records by name, using a filter, or simply clicking "select all". The name of the object will be bolded if you've selected at least one record.
- Note: If no records are selected, the object name will not be bolded and it won't be included in the report.
You can select multiple objects to include in the final report display.
Reading the Report
When you click on "Preview Report", the report will calculate the percentage of usage for each picklist value within each selected object.
- For instance, in the "Account" object, every picklist, such as "Account Type" or "Account Depth", will be analyzed for the usage of each of its values.
The report indicates values not in use as well as those frequently used. This aids in identifying redundant values or ones that may need to be added to optimize picklist usage.
The report also identifies unused picklist values and those that are used only on occasion. This information can guide business decisions to potentially add or remove certain values.
Advanced Usage
The report can further break down picklist usage per record type within each object. This detailed view provides insights into which record types have many populated values and which ones don't.
The report displays the total percentage of each picklist value usage across the entire object and each of its record types.
Exporting and Scheduling Reports
You can export your report directly from the display screen if desired.
Alternatively, Metazoa Snapshot allows you to schedule reports to be automatically generated with each new snapshot.
Scheduled reports can be sent as an email attachment, to a Chatter group, or to a content folder based on your preference.
By using the Picklist Usage Report, you can efficiently manage your Salesforce picklists and ensure that they're optimally tailored to your business needs.