The Update User Story interface allows an individual contributor to add metadata assets and deployment tasks to their assigned user story. This interface is available by right clicking a deployment arrow on the desktop and also from the Options Menu.
Update User Stories as an Individual Contributor
As an individual contributor such as an administrator or a developer, you can update the User Stories assigned to you. Here's how to do it:
From the Snapshot dashboard, you can see the sprints you are part of on the left-hand side, and the stories assigned to you in the middle.
Select any story. This allows you to make changes to the percent complete, the planned work, or other details about the story.
If you wish to move the story out of development and into deployment, make a pull request. This action will also remove the story from your current list.
Working with Source and Destination Snapshots
In the User Story interface, you can manage your source and destination snapshots.
The source metadata for your User Story comes from the source snapshot. The assets that you can delete are in the destination snapshot.
Ensure your snapshots are up to date. Use the provided button to update your snapshots.
Pre-deployment Tasks and Task Templates
Once you select a story, navigate to the next tab to manage your pre-deployment tasks.
On the left, you will find task templates. You can select any template and move it into the pre-task list.
These tasks can be rearranged according to the order of importance or execution.
Each task has a name, category, and owner. You can also define specific activities for each task such as launching a browser, requiring confirmation, or entering a command line for the task. The command line will execute when the task is run and the results will be included in the final report.
Managing Assets and Job Lists
In the next tab, you can manage the assets for the task. Select the assets you're working with and move them into the job list.
Be aware of any overlap. If another team member is working on the same asset in the same sprint, the asset will be highlighted in red, indicating potential conflict.
You can view details such as the email address and name of other team members working on the same asset to facilitate communication and coordination.
After Tasks and Final Updates
Similar to pre-deployment tasks, you can set up "after tasks".
When ready, you can update your User Story. Review the create or delete assets and test them against the destination org to ensure it's a valid deployment.
Review your before and after tasks. Clicking on an asset will provide more information about potential overlaps with other team members.
Once everything is set, update your story. Your User Story, associated with the selected sprint, is now successfully updated.