The Org Dictionary generates a report on whatever piece or pieces of metadata you'd like to report on. You can customize it to show whatever elements of your metadata you need. There are universal elements, like name, created date, last modified by, etc, for every element at the top so you can always get that information when necessary, but each metadata asset will have its own unique elements that you can also report on.
You can also choose to preview one metadata asset by highlighting it in the left column and pulling in the appropriate elements, or you could check the box next to each asset to pull all of them into the same report under the Display Report tab.
Additionally, in the Display Report tab, you can color code your report to highlight specific results. For example, maybe you want to highlight certain page layouts with a particular name, you can color code the name field and anything that matches that criteria will be highlighted in the color of your choice. You can color code multiple elements.