The Lightning Security report will give you an overview of all Lightning customizations, allow you to quickly edit these customizations, and then deploy changes to your Org. This is useful for cleaning up record pages in Lightning Experience and reducing technical debt. This interface is available by right clicking an item on the desktop and also from the Options Menu.
Metazoa Snapshot Lightning Security is a comprehensive tool for managing action overrides in Salesforce. With Salesforce Classic, you could override buttons, links, or actions in custom objects. Salesforce later introduced the ability to use Lightning components to override these actions for Lightning desktop or Lightning mobile experiences. Metazoa Snapshot Lightning Security simplifies the management of these overrides, especially in the Lightning Experience, where multiple levels of override can make it difficult to determine what action will be triggered.
Lightning Security Report
Single Screen Overview: View all the overrides in your organization on a single screen. It shows the org default overrides followed by custom objects overrides, app default overrides, and custom app record type and profile overrides.
Matrix View: Provides a matrix view to easily understand what will happen for any record type and profile when a user takes an action, like clicking on a view. This matrix is available for both desktop and mobile as well as for the home tab.
Edit Action Override
Editing Palette: An editing palette is available which allows you to easily change action overrides.
Selection: Select the override you want to change and click the ‘Edit Assignment’ button.
Override Type Selection: Change the override type using the top menu (e.g. org default, custom object, custom application, record type profile and app).
Detail Configuration: Make necessary changes to profiles, record types, and content using the menus below.
Action and Form Factor Configuration: You can also change the action and form factor.
Smart Deploy
Review Changes: After editing an action override, the ‘Deploy’ button will appear. You can review the changes made.
Deployment: Deploy the changes back to the current organization effortlessly.
How to Use
Access Lightning Security Report: Open Metazoa Snapshot Lightning Security. Access the Lightning Security Report to view all overrides in a single screen.
View Matrix: Check the matrix view to see the relationship between record types and profiles with regards to overrides.
Select Override to Edit: Bring up the editing palette, select the override you want to change and click the ‘Edit Assignment’ button.
Change Override Type: Choose the override type using the top menu.
Configure Details: Use the menus below to make changes to profiles, record types, and content.
Configure Action and Form Factor: Change the action and form factor as needed.
Smart Deploy: After editing, click 'OK' and then click on the ‘Deploy’ button. Review your changes and confirm deployment to update the current organization.
Metazoa Snapshot Lightning Security is an essential tool for Salesforce administrators and developers. It simplifies the process of managing action overrides in Salesforce Lightning Experience by providing a single-screen overview, matrix view, and easy editing options through the editing palette. The Smart Deploy feature ensures a seamless deployment process of the changes made.